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My thoughts and reflections on parenting since becoming a father for the first time in October 2018. Generally, parenting is a hard task and my blog posts usually detail my reactions to the arising challenges.

Life Through Moments: Pride, Compassion, and Perspective

Reflections There will always be moments that give you cause to reflect. Three occurrences this week have already counted for me. They are perfectly normal, although quite distinct. Together they highlight pride, compassion, and above all, the importance of perspective. That’s the thing about life when seen through moments. Reflection… Read More »Life Through Moments: Pride, Compassion, and Perspective

Parenting with Presence

I tried telling them. They wouldn’t stop. Just couldn’t stop. Lips curled upwards, brimming with joy, little faces lit up. They smiled and giggled and giggled some more as they relentlessly tried to drag me to the floor. It wasn’t a done deal. I still had a little energy after… Read More »Parenting with Presence

Navigating the Playground: Bullying, Anti-Social Behaviour and Racism

Is the playground a place of innocence? The local playground. A place of fun? A place of good times? Maybe. Yet also a place where children come together to socialize that can become a microcosm of society’s larger issues. I’m going to reflect on three distinct incidents that occurred in… Read More »Navigating the Playground: Bullying, Anti-Social Behaviour and Racism

Milestones in Parenting

Contrasting Experiences Round and round the garden he rode the bike excitedly. The happy curly-haired boy was seven or eight years old. Perhaps a little older. It was fun, it was a thrill. His mum looked on from the patio in pleasure at the newly learned technique. He was doing… Read More »Milestones in Parenting

Son with Dino Skull

On Communication and Stress (dealing with family days out)

The first Breakdown of the Day Communication matters. This was it. This was dinosaur day. A trip up the A34 to Oxford to the Museum of Natural History. Mostly to indulge my three-year-old’s current mega obsession with all things prehistoric and lizard-like but also to find a renowned cake shop.… Read More »On Communication and Stress (dealing with family days out)

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