There will always be moments that give you cause to reflect. Three occurrences this week have already counted for me. They are perfectly normal, although quite distinct. Together they highlight pride, compassion, and above all, the importance of perspective.
That’s the thing about life when seen through moments. Reflection can be a powerful tool for making everyday things feel poignant and worthwhile. It’s all about finding meaning in the mundane.
A Moody Monday
I awoke in a bothersome state. What can you expect from an early year’s sports day? Did I really want to go? I’d have to excuse myself from work for two hours. I could have done with those hours working on the project.
I wasn’t expecting much to be honest. What with the competitors being shorter than barstools. And the ‘events’ being miniature in nature too. Yet it turned out to be such a success. Great fun. We dutifully followed round the field as my son did a range of activities. It was sunny but not too hot. The audience was upbeat. The little athletes were mostly keen.
My son threw beanbags, ran over hurdles, and even got involved with the sack race (something he had protested that morning). His welly throwing was superior. His sprinting was faster. He showed great heart. Little arms powering himself forward, grinning constantly. It was warming to see. All of this action, and the fact that he did so well, made me proud.
Helping out a random Stranger
Midweek and summer is getting into full swing. The sun was scorching and it was in the high twenties. Even felt like thirty-degree heat. Heat that you can’t get a break from.
I was making my way up the hill to the town centre. Just before the real incline I encountered a woman in a wheelchair. About middle-age with dyed hair and a face full of character. But she was struggling in the hot weather.
“Are you ok? Where are you trying to get to?” I asked.
“Town” came the reply.
“Oh ok, well, I’ll help get you there”. She looked bemused but I knew this was a worthy side quest. I took the handles and pushed the chair the remaining 200 metres up the path to town.
As we got close to the top where the bushes grew into the path, we passed a young lady. She stopped so we could get by. I thanked her, and she gave me a smile, along with what seemed like a quizzical look. I couldn’t be sure. Maybe we seemed an odd pairing. No matter really.
I parted ways with my companion when we reached town, and we both got on with our days. For my part, I felt pleased at the novelty. I felt rewarded. Like I had done something good.
The Frustrating Journey
Thursday morning trains. My God the trains. Waiting on the platform. Waiting on the train. Then waiting on the train at the platform. Finally, it departed, and made it to the next big destination. The city of Reading. Next, we are told to get off the train that had brought us into Reading. Fine. Going up the up escalator I see hordes of people on the other platforms.
The station intercom announces that the train I had just been forced off was the next to depart for London. Is this a joke? I go back down the down escalator to get back on the train I had just left.
Next few minutes spent watching the down escalator and an endless stream of people. Can they possibly all fit? More minutes pass. It goes on and on. How is there still more people? All of them trying to cram onto the train I was on. I met other passengers who told me this was the third train they had been moved to since getting to Reading. The station master’s game of musical trains. A farce. Someone, somewhere is laughing.
Suddenly an announcement declares the lines to London are now all open. Muted cheers from tired faces. The fellow in the aisle says that he’s heard it was all due to a fatality on the lines earlier this morning. I have the sad realization that someone had had a worse morning than me. Somehow I feel less bad about my disrupted commute.
The lessons learned here are simple. Activities with kids can be unexpectedly fun, compassion brings joy, and suffering is always more tolerable when put into perspective. All very normal moments and yet they’ve given me cause for pause.
It’s Friday tomorrow as I write this, and a busy weekend ahead for yours truly. Will it contain any more reflective moments? Time will tell.